Once upon a time, all food was organic…

Nordic Baltic meeting 2023

September 12. - 14.

Grand Hotel Reykjavik

Sigtun 28
105 Reykjavik

We welcome you to the annual Nordic-Baltic meeting on EU organic certification 2023 in Iceland.

Organized by:
The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST – www.mast.is)
Vottunarstofan Tun ehf. (an Organic Certification Body - www.tun.is)
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (www.government.is/ministries/ministry-of-food-agriculture-and-fisheries/)

QR CODE for this site

Schedule and itinerary

  • Day 1

    Arrivals, introductions and icebreaker

  • Day 2

    Main sessions, excursion and dinner

  • Day 3

    Latter sessions and departures

Practical information

  • On this website you will find information on how to get from and to the Keflavik airport.

    • www.isavia.is/keflavikurflugvollur/bilastaedi-og-samgongur/rutur

  • Grand Hotel Reykjavik, a Green Key and Nordic Swan certified hotel close to the city center offers excellent meeting and conference facilities. Located right between Reykjavik’s city center and the Laugardalur recreational area.

    • www.islandshotel.is/hotels-in-iceland/hotel-reykjavik-grand/

  • The meeting documents will be available on this site. This helps us save on resources.

  • On our second day, September 13th at 13:30 after lunch, we head to the west coast of Iceland into Hvalfjordur where we visit an organic producer and processor. We continue further north along the west coast to Hvanneyri where we visit a museum and end up in Borgarnes for dinner. After dinner we head back to Reykjavik city.

  • Grand Hotel Reykjavik is close to many of Reykjavik’s attractions. We recommend using sustainable modes of transportation if you do not wish to walk to your destinations. Below are some suggestions.

    • City bus: www.straeto.is

    • Electric Scooters:

      • www.hopp.is (also electric taxi)

      • en.zoloiceland.is

  • We have gathered a bit if information on our site “What to see? What to do?” for you.

    For more sites “Map of Reykjavik” offers maps to download with the city’s main attractions marked on.

    • For medical and other serious emergencies call 112

    • For issues relating to the meeting please contact

      • Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, MAST - Mobile: 864-1404

      • Herdís M. Guðjónsdóttir, MAST - Mobile: 659-6976

      • Ragnar Þórðarson, Tun - Mobile: 694-9658

  • Our participant list is available on this link