Nordic Baltic meeting 2023
Schedule for day 2

Wednesday 13. September

06:30 - 08:00

o   Breakfast at the hotel

08:00 - 10:00

o   Role-call (Hvammur): Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden
o   Quick overview of statistics
o   Dialogue sessions A & B (see topics and meeting rooms below)

10:00 - 10:15

o   Break for coffee (each session is separate)

10:15 - 11:00

o   Dialogue sessions A & B continue

11:00 - 11:30

o   Conclusions from dialogue sessions (Hvammur)
(Please prepare to give a short conclusion from the discussion for the other group. Max 10 min.)

11:30 - 12:30

o   Presentation from Iceland (Hvammur)

  • Stefán Gíslason consultant at Environice introducing his report

12:30 - 13:30

o   Lunch at the hotel

Lunch is served at the same restaurant as our dinner yesterday.

13:30 -

Departure for the Farm visit is at 13:30 from the exit closest to us when we exit the restaurant. Please dress for outdoors. We will not be back at the hotel until around 22:00 in the evening.


o   Arriving back at the hotel

Session A: Agriculture
Meeting Room: Hvammur

Chair: Malene Kjer Andersen, Denmark

  • Access to specific dietetic feed - for instance in relation to emission reduction

  • Definition of sustainable?

  • Seed derogations, requirements, control of seed use.

  • Challenges with regard to animal welfare for Poultry.Welfare in egg production

  • Tail-docking of sheep – when to authorize? Polling of horns

  • Managin breeding males and poultry

  • How much time should an organic animal have access to grazing?

  • How to control fertilizers bearing an indicating that the product have been authorized for use in organic production?

Session B: Processing and import
Meeting Room: Utgardur

Chairs: Annette Villif, Denmark & Amanda Rosendahl, Sweden

  • Process, Requirements, on-line selling, distance selling, unmanned physical food shops

  • For the small businesses, bakeries and butchers it is a great challenge to perform the required book keeping, and it consequently holds back many from getting certified.

  • Import through on-line shops, certification when importer/first consignee is not in the same Member State as first consignee/product is imported to.

  • Certification requirement, experiences and challenges

  • Indication of farming place. Language of labelling of organic. Do requirements differ between countries? (att. Reg. EU no. 1169/2011